Pet Welcome but Not Bears Were Not Doing That Again Photo

Black bear attacks on humans are rare only often brainstorm as scuffles with dogs, experts say

The domestic dog may run to its owner for protection every bit the bear follows close behind.

Predatory attacks on humans past black bears are extremely rare, but experts are offering insight equally to how some of them may start after a adult female was killed in Canada by a blackness conduct while searching for her dogs.

A "asymmetric number" of attacks by bears on human are related to dogs, Lynn Rogers, enquiry scientist for the Wild fauna Enquiry Found and founder of the North American Deport Center, told ABC News.

A 62-year-old Minnesota woman died over the weekend while she was looking for her dogs in the woods in Rainy Lake, Canada, only a few miles over the border from Minnesota, authorities said. The dogs, yelping and barking, later returned to the cabin, but the woman never returned and was afterward institute with a bear standing over her.

Bear attacks involving dogs also occurred in June, when a California man was bitten after he kicked a acquit that attacked his dog in his yard, in Dec 2018, when a Pennsylvania woman was dragged 88 yards in her front yard subsequently a bear attacked both her and her dog, and in June 2018, when a man wrestled a blackness carry after it lunged at his dog at Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada. The domestic dog in that case was killed.

In Minnesota, three of the seven unprovoked bear attacks recorded since 1987 in which the victim required hospitalization involved a dog, Dave Garshelis, a bear research scientist with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, told ABC News. None of those attacks were fatal, Garshelis said.

Often in those types of cases, the owner gets hurt when he or she tries to intercede in the scuffle, or the dog runs back to its owner for protection and "side by side thing you know the bear is 2 feet away," Garshelis said.

Knowing what to practice in the upshot that a canis familiaris encounters a comport is a "tough call" considering the situations tin can be so unpredictable, Garshelis said.

He suggested arming yourself with some type of weapon, such every bit a gun or large stick, "specially if the canis familiaris is running back to yous for protection." In i of bear attacks that occurred in Minnesota, a person in the grouping bashed information technology over the caput with a canoe paddle, he said.

"That's the simply thing you lot can exercise," he said. "The normal reaction for the bear would be to go out."

Yelling or banging pots and pans may do the play tricks every bit well, Garshelis said, while Rogers advised using pepper spray to encourage bears to retreat.

"They don't go away mad," Rogers said. "They merely become abroad."

An article on the website for Orvis, a retail company that specializes in line-fishing, hunting and sporting goods, suggests that canis familiaris owners "quietly and quickly leave the expanse" if the bear has not spotted you, simply if it has, to "keep your dog shut and calm, fugitive sudden movements."

Fatal black conduct attacks on humans are so rare -- more then than whatsoever other species of carry -- that they occur on average of once per year beyond Northward America, Garshelis said. In improver, about one black bear out of 1 million volition attack a human in a predatory manner, Rogers said.

The reason why the attacks by black bears seldom occur isn't considering the bears stay abroad from humans, the experts said. In fact, they are oftentimes attracted to people's food sources or get used to the presence of humans.

All the same, black bears are typically not aggressive and fear the "repercussions of attacking someone," Garshelis said.

"They just don't want to attack people," Garsheilis said. "They're kind of timid animals."

Black bears may have developed their humble nature during the water ice age, when they faced rivals such as saber-toothed cats, dire wolves in packs, huge American lions and the giant short-faced bear, the primitive species that weighed more than than a ton, had powerful jaws and could run fast with information technology's long legs, Rogers said.

"Blackness bears wouldn't take stood a chance against any of those," he said. "They adult an attitude of run outset, ask questions later and stay past copse."

During more 50 years of studying bears, the only time Rogers always got "nipped or slapped" was when he was trying to put a radio neckband on a behave without using tranquilizers, which he plant would cause them to lose trust and brand them harder to observe in the long run, he said.

In addition, most bears will run away from a dog that's chasing it, Garshelis said, while Rogers said bears are quite like shooting fish in a barrel to drive away.

"I've never found a bear that I couldn't chase," he said.

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